Preamble and Vision

The Round Table of Heads of Management Development Institutions in South Asia, held at the Administrative Staff College of India, between March 1-5, 1988 reviewed the status of Management Education and Development activities in the Region and observed:

  1. that management gap is recognized as a critical factor impeding development efforts in the Region;
  2. that management education and development activities of the Region need to be strengthened through Inter-institutional and other cooperative efforts;
  3. that the economic, social and cultural characteristics of the Region provide strong impetus for development of special initiatives in management development;
  4. that regional co-operation in management development could lead to cost-effective strategies for economic and social development of the Region;
  5. that inter-institutional collaboration and cooperation at the regional level is consistent with the  S A A R C spirit.

In view of the above, the Round Table resolved to establish a Regional institution entitled, the Association of Management Development Institutions in South Asia (AMDISA) and constituted a Task Force to finalize and operationalize the charter of AMDISA.

We, the members of the Task Force of AMDISA, assembled at the Nepal Administrative Staff College between June 1-3, 1988 and inspired by a common vision of developing better management capability in our organization and institutions and united by a common cultural and social heritage do hereby adopt this Charter which is an expression of our commitment and determination for mutual help, collaboration and sharing of experiences and experiments in management development and organization building in the Region.


Dr. Dharni P.  Sinha  
Administrative Staff College of India
Hyderabad, India

Mr. G.B.N. Pradhan
Nepal Administrative Staff College
Lalitpur, Nepal

Prof. Joe Philip
Indian Institute of Management
Bangalore, India

Dr. Sant B. Gurung
Centre for Economic Development & Administration
Kathmandu, Nepal

Professor K.J. Perera
National Institute of Business Management
Colombo, Sri Lanka

Dr. Alimullah Miyan
Institute of Business Administration
Dhaka, Bangladesh

Professor B.C. Tandon
University of Delhi
Delhi, India

Mr Javed Hamid
Lahore University
Lahore, Pakistan


AMDISA is an international not-for-profit association. It is a network of Management Education and Management Development Institutions.

Our Office

AMDISA Secretariat,
University of Hyderabad Campus, Central University Post Office,
Gachibowli, Hyderabad – 500 046, Telangana State, India

Contact us

Phone / Fax:+91-(0)40-2301 3346