AMDISA Supported Programmes - Terms & Conditions:

The facilitation services for the "AMDISA Supported Programmes" are given below for information:

  1. Usage of AMDISA's logo with the words "Supported Programme" (logo artwork alongside design will be provided) on the member institution's event website/promotional literature.
  2. Uploading of event and its essential features on AMDISA's website.
  3. Four rounds of e-mail communications to AMDISA member institutions for furthering event information dissemination on dates as per specified time schedules by the host institution.
  4. AMDISA strives to help the member institution opting for AMDISA Supported Program through the above mentioned ways. The response to the program solely depends on the viewers/readers perception of the program theme, concept, facilitation offered by the host institution. The service availing institution is requested to kindly bear this aspect in mind before opting for the service.
  5. The above support is provided to AMDISA member institutions on a nominal amount of INR 30,000/- + applicable tax (or) US $ 400 for each program.
  6. Non-AMDISA member institutions desirous of availing this facility may write to


AMDISA is an international not-for-profit association. It is a network of Management Education and Management Development Institutions.

Our Office

AMDISA Secretariat,
University of Hyderabad Campus, Central University Post Office,
Gachibowli, Hyderabad – 500 046, Telangana State, India

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Phone / Fax:+91-(0)40-2301 3346