Mission and Objectives

  1. The mission of the Association shall be to promote management education and management development activities in South Asia, taking into account the economic, social and cultural context of the Region, with the firm dedication to world-wide exchange of experience and ideas in the fields concerned.
  2. In the furtherance of the above mission, AMDISA shall pursue the following objectives:
    1. Creating a forum for sharing institutional experiences on management education and management development in the South Asian Region.
    2. Promoting educational and professional development of those involved in management development as teachers, trainers, researchers, administrators, consultants and others with similar functions.
    3. Promoting management development activities in the Region through stimulating dialogue between professionals and the clients they serve – government, industry and other organizations and sectors.
    4. Promoting cooperation among member institutions for development of teaching/training materials and facilitating sharing of the same.
    5. Promoting cooperation among member institutions for research, consulting, training and education.
    6. Strengthening institutional capabilities through faculty and staff development, improved infrastructural facilities and activities of a similar nature.
    7. Establishing an institutional mechanism for disseminating management development information within the Region: e.g. through newsletters, databank, clearing house, publications and other networking arrangement.
    8. Developing effective cooperation with similar associations in other regions, international agencies, inter-governmental organizations, foundations and any other organizations which may further the cause of AMDISA.
    9. Generating resources through membership fees, contributions, donations, endowments, subsidies, fees, programmes and projects, publications and any other activities including loans and investments for furthering the objectives of AMDISA.
    10. Acquiring, transferring, mortgaging, and disposing of all kinds of assets, including equipments, vehicles, facilities and real estate etc., for realizing the objectives of AMDISA.
    11. Undertaking any other measures which would further the above objectives.


AMDISA is an international not-for-profit association. It is a network of Management Education and Management Development Institutions.

Our Office

AMDISA Secretariat,
University of Hyderabad Campus, Central University Post Office,
Gachibowli, Hyderabad – 500 046, Telangana State, India

Contact us

Phone / Fax:+91-(0)40-2301 3346
Email: amdisa.org@gmail.com, amdisa@amdisa.org
Website: www.amdisa.org